• The Supreme LaoJun New Year's Picture
  • The Supreme LaoJun New Year's Picture With Wooden Frame
  • The Supreme LaoJun New Year's Picture Detail 1
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The Supreme LaoJun New Year's Picture, East Beauty, Woodblock handmade printing New Year Picture, Chinese New Year picture, Safe and Sound, The Mysterious Power of The East

US$28.99 US$ 28. 99
Large Size (width 400mm x height 450mm)

About this item

Using the "The Supreme LaoJun New Year's Picture" can blessing for the prosperity of the manufacturing industry where it is located, for breakthroughs in the science it studies, and for a more harmonious and long-term development between people and nature.

The Supreme LaoJun New Year's Picture is a painting of the Chinese philosopher Laozi, who lived 2,500 years ago. Laozi, whose real name was Li Er, is the author of the Dao De Jing, which established the Taoist doctrine. In his works, he emphasized the theory of coexistence and symbiosis between man and nature, and stressed that everything has its own laws and principles of operation, which is what modern people call science. He emphasized that there are not only humans in the world, but also natural laws, and that humans should grasp the laws of natural development and make use of them to develop human society. At the same time, we should not destroy nature, and we should not put human interests first in everything. Human beings should live in harmony with nature. He is the first scholar in human history to emphasize environmental protection, and put environmental protection in the first place in the principles of human development.

At the same time, Laozi applied the laws he learned from nature to the development of human society. He believed that the origin of all things is their own development law, and human society also has its own development law, which he called "Dao". For the government and management departments, they should not impose various selfish requirements on society, but should comply with the inherent needs of various groups and each citizen, provide good services, return the market to the market, and return society to the people. This is Laozi's "Dao": governing by doing nothing. It is also the theory of economic free market nowadays.

Yes, as early as 2500 years ago, Laozi proposed the protection of the environment and free markets, which have been regarded as classics by the Chinese people. Later European philosophers such as Nietzsche, Kant, Hegel, Will Durant, and Clark highly praised Laozi and his Tao De Ching, and their theories were also inspired and influenced by Laozi.

Laozi, in Chinese history and culture, is revered as the "Supreme LaoJun", as he studied nature, summarized science, and was skilled in smelting and manufacturing, becoming the founder of the smelting and casting industry.

In The Supreme LaoJun New Year's Picture, Laozi sits in the center, wearing a Eight Diagrams (BaGua) Clothes. The Eight Diagrams (BaGua) pattern on the sleeves is represented by the left "Qian" and the right "Kun"(which are two of the Eight Diagrams). The left Qian represents the extreme "Yang" and the right Kun represents the extreme "Yin". Because most people's hearts are on the left side, the left side is yang and the other side is "Yin". The left and right sides are combined, and yin and yang are combined. The clothes on the body are also drawn with star maps. In ancient China, astrology belongs to the branch of mathematics. As early as the time of Laozi, mathematical methods were used to deduce the astrological phenomena (the Eight Diagrams also come from astrology and mathematics. The Eight Diagrams are binary calculations system, which are extended to the hexadecimal system of sixty-four hexagrams, which are used to calculate everything in the universe). Around the image, the temple is depicted, with gates on the left and right sides, and stairs engraved with sacred dragons below.


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