• Having A More And More Happiness New Year's Picture
  • Having A More And More Happiness New Year's Picture With Wooden Frame
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Having A More And More Happiness New Year's Picture, East Beauty, Woodblock handmade printing New Year Picture, Chinese New Year picture, Safe and Sound, The Mysterious Power of The East

US$29.99 US$ 29. 99
Normal Size (width 245mm x height 240mm)

About this item

Using the "Having A More And More Happiness New Year's Picture" will bring the mysterious power of the East to oneself and one's family, wishing for a happy and abundant new year, peace and harmony, good fortune and longevity, and good wishes will be fulfilled. The harmony between family members will be enhanced, and life will become increasingly full of joy and hope, with each day getting better and each year getting better.

"Having A More And More Happiness New Year's Picture". This is a kind of New Year painting that became popular in China in the 1980s. It is colorful and vivid, with a strong festive atmosphere. At that time, China was in the initial stage of rapid development, and people's yearning for a better life was the mainstream topic of society. At this time, "Having A More And More Happiness New Year’s Picture " came into being. It combines the semiotics and psychology that have been passed down from China, expressing people's yearning for a better life while helping people better realize their wishes.In the picture of "Having A More And More Happiness New Year’s Picture ", a lotus flower is drawn in the center, surrounded by lotus roots growing from the water. On the lotus leaf sits a plump male baby wearing a red bib and with bare feet, smiling and happy. He is holding a bright red carp. This pattern comes from Chinese folklore and its time of emergence cannot be verified. However, the mysterious power it brings is very strong.

In Chinese, the word "莲"(lotus root) is pronounced "lian", which is the same pronunciation as the Chinese character "连", which means continuous.In Eastern culture, this image of a male baby is called "年", which is pronounced "nian". This word also means "year".

The carp("鱼") held in the hands of the male baby is pronounced "yu", in Chinese, which is the same pronunciation as the Chinese character "余", which means to have something left over and accumulated.

These words combined together, using homophonic means, combine the words of continuous, year, and accumulation, forming a idiom "Lian Nian You Yu"(连年有余), which expresses the meaning of having something accumulated every year, and also conveys a mysterious power that helps Chinese people to move forward bravely and make continuous progress in that period of rapid development, accumulating and developing bit by bit.

Around the picture of "Having A More And More Happiness New Year's Picture", there are various flowers in full bloom, beautiful and magnificent. In the middle, two lotus flowers are blooming competitively. In Chinese, the word "荷" for lotus flowers is pronounced as "hə", which is the same as the Chinese character "和" for harmony. Here, the word "荷" for lotus flowers is used as a homophone for the word "和" for harmony, with a same pronounced. Coupled with the colors in the entire New Year picture, it expresses the meaning of beauty ("美"). the word "美" for beauty is also means wonderful, for example, a wonderful life. Therefore, using homophonic means, a Chinese idiom "和和美美" was formed, representing people's family harmony, neighborhood harmony, social coordinated development, harmonious coexistence between man and nature. Such a life is the most beautiful life, and such a life is the happiest life.

In Chinese culture, if there is progress every year, which means having a surplus for years in succession, with family harmony, good relations between people, and harmonious development, such a life is the happiest and what people are pursuing. To express it in one word, it is "Having A More And More Happiness".


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